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Showing posts from October, 2024

Navigating Faith: The Veil was Torn in two

Last week after RCIA, I had an interesting conversation with my priest about some traditional Catholics who were upset that our church didn’t have an altar rail. They believed the altar should be railed off because it is holy ground. This sparked a deeper reflection on the significance of sacred spaces, particularly the veil that once separated the Holy of Holies in the temple from the people. In the time of the Old Testament, the temple was designed to reflect God's holiness, and the veil was a powerful symbol of that separation. Solomon’s temple, as described in *1 Kings 6:2*, stood at 30 cubits high, but historical records from Josephus, a first-century Jewish historian, suggest that Herod later increased the temple's height to 40 cubits. This means the veil was likely around 60 feet high. Although early Jewish tradition claims the veil was four inches thick, the Bible doesn't confirm this detail. *Exodus* tells us that the veil was made from blue, purple, and scarlet ma